Sunday, December 29, 2019

Explore the Ways in Which Bullies and Victims Are Present...

English coursework, James Luxton Explore the ways in which bullies and victims are presented in Lord of the Flies and DNA. Bullies and Victims play vital roles in both the novel and the play. The authors, Golding and Kelly, both put their characters through similar trials. In Lord of the Flies, Golding’s characters turn from normal school boys, to savages who are prepared to kill one another to gain power. Golding suggests that under certain circumstances, people will naturally begin to become more violent and savage. In DNA the characters are thrust into a world of secrecy where they have to cover things up to save themselves, Kelly himself wrote this; ‘I don’t think I write characters who are bad, I think I write characters who are†¦show more content†¦He sounds as if he is trying to convince himself and the separation of the word’ really’ makes him sound desperate. Golding also suggests to the reader just how desperate people are to become part of a group, and how in some situations, becoming part of a group may literally be a life and death decision. Ralph, Jack and Simon set out to explore the island, and Piggy suggests to Ralph that he should go too, because he ‘was with him when he found the conch’ and he ‘was with him before anyone else was’. Ralph seemingly tries to put Piggy down gently by saying ‘you’re no good on a job like this’ implying, again, because Piggy is fat and has asthma, he won’t be able to keep up and he will be a burden to the other boys. In contrast Jack is blunter with Piggy. He simply says ‘we don’t want you, three’s enough’. In this, Jack shows obvious contempt for Piggy. When he firsts speaks to Piggy all he has to offer is ‘you’re talking too much, shut up fatty’. Jack’s obvious loathing of Piggy is evident throughout the novel. Through Jack’s first contact with Piggy it strengthens the idea that children judge people solely on looks, and as well as this it is obvious that the constant name cal ling and bullying of Piggy will render him the victim of the boys throughout the novel. Both Golding and Kelly alarm their readers with evidence of real violence from the bullies to their chosen victims. Violence with stones occurs both in Lord of the Flies andShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesConceptual Blocks 183 Percy Spencer’s Magnetron 185 Spence Silver’s Glue 185 The Four Types of Conceptual Blocks 185 Review of Conceptual Blocks 194 Conceptual Blockbusting 194 Stages in Creative Thought 194 Methods for Improving Problem Definition 195 Ways to Generate More Alternatives 199 International Caveats 202 Hints for Applying Problem-Solving Techniques 203 Fostering Creativity in Others 203 Management Principles 204 SKILL ANALYSIS 210 Cases Involving Problem Solving 210 The Mann Gulch Disaster

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Roles of Parenting Style in The Glass Castle by...

A parent’s parenting styles are as diverse as the world we live in today. Nowadays, parents only want what is best for their children and their parenting styles plays a crucial role in the development of children which will in the long run, not only effect the child’s childhood years, but later prolong into their adult life as well. Most often, in most families, children look up to their parents for guidance as children view their parents as role models. However in The Glass Castle, this was not the case but the exact opposite. It all started out with a girl named Jeannette. Jeannette Walls is a writer and an inspirational speaker (?) whose personal success of _____ has gotten her on a wild journey from moving to one place to another,†¦show more content†¦Through this first incident, Jeanette’s mother, Rose Mary, encouragingly said, â€Å"Good for you. You‘ve got to get right back into the saddle. You can’t live in fear of something as basic as fire† (Walls 9). Soon then, Walls became â€Å"fascinated with it† (Walls 9) as she passed her finger through a candle flame, slowing her finger with each pass, watching the way it seemed to cut the flame in half. Furthermore, Walls uses vivid imagery of abusive actions to show that determination and a hopeful spirit can help anyone overcome obstacles to achieve his or her desires. However, before Walls had the determination to leave, she encountered another series of unfortunate event when an eight-year-old boy named Billy Deel and his father moved into the area. The author writes, â€Å"Billy smushed his face against mine, then grabbed my hair and made my head bend sideways and stuck his tongue in my mouth. It was slimy and disgusting, but when I tried to pull away, he pushed in toward me. The more I pulled, the more he pushed, until he was on top of me and I felt his fingers tugging at my shorts. His other hand was unbuttoning his own pants†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Walls 54). Evidently, in this excerpt, it can be implied that Jeannette has been raped. Walls tried to stop him as she thinks back to what her dad told to her to do if a guy jumped on her, but because she couldn’t â€Å"knee him i n the groin†, Walls used common sense and bit Billy on the ear as hard asShow MoreRelatedEvery Parent Has A Different Way To Raise Their Children.1428 Words   |  6 Pagesraised. Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead and Jeannette Walls’ The Glass Castle are two comparable works that the first thing that stood out was the parenting them. Gilead by Marilynne Robinson is a book that has many father and son relationships as well as forgiveness, it’s a letter from a father to a son narrating all the experiences and stories he went through his life. On the other hand, The Glass Castle is a novel that recounts the author’s, Jeannette Walls, childhood and life as she gets older withRead MoreThe Challenges Of Children In The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls1429 Words   |  6 Pagesrelationship with your child is the foundation for her relationships with others. It is known that parenting is not an easy task. For any person, no matter the age, raising a child is a very large responsibility that comes along with many challenges. Even though parenting is difficult, there are certain things one must do to ensure their child lives up to their greatest potential. The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls, is a self-written memoir that shares the story of the many complications that one can faceRead MoreThe Glass Castle : Theory And Practice Paper Essay1507 Words   |  7 Pages The Glass Castle: Theory and Practice Paper Synopsis The Glass Castle is a memoir written by Jeannette Walls. In this book, Jeannette recounts her unconventional upbringing along with her three siblings. Yet, despite of it all, she grew up to have an ordinary life as an adult with a professional career in journalism. Throughout childhood, Jeannette’s family lived like vagabonds, having no permanent residence, sometimes even not having an actual home but sleeping in the family station wagonRead More The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls Essay example1122 Words   |  5 Pages In this both heart wrenching and slightly humorous memoir, journalist Jeannette Walls tells the bittersweet story of her rather dysfunctional and poverty stricken upbringing. Walls grows up in a family trailed by the ubiquitous presence of hunger and broken homes. Throughout the memoir she recounts memories of moving from one dilapidated neighborhood to another with her three other siblings, insanely free sprinted mother, and incredibly intellige nt yet alcoholic father. The author focusesRead MoreThe Glass Castle1147 Words   |  5 PagesIn this both heart wrenching and slightly humorous memoir, successful journalist Jeannette Walls tells the bittersweet story of her rather dysfunctional and poverty stricken upbringing. Walls grows up in a family trailed by the ubiquitous presence of hunger and broken down homes. Throughout the memoir she recounts memories of moving from one dilapidated neighborhood to another with her three other siblings, insanely free sprinted mother, and incredibly intelligent yet alcoholic father. The author

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Detailed Lesson Plan in Science free essay sample

In the process of food making, what do you think is the most important element in photosynthesis? anne? For me, the sunlight, the energy that comes from the sun (solar energy) and why? Why is it the sunlight energy that comes from the sun is the most important? Joy? Because, solar energy is responsible for the plants in order to bcreate or make carbon dioxide and water that when chemically combined it will result to glucose or sugar, by the product of photosynthesis. Very good joy!!.. So why are most leaves broad and flat? What do you think is the reason behind? Ely? They are broad and flat because, leaves are responsible for trapping sunlight and absorb carbon dioxide. The broader the surface the more light it will capture. Very good Ely..!! D. Assessment (Application) In our daily living, how does photosynthesis affects human existence? Bela? Photosynthesis is much important not only for plants but also for human. We will write a custom essay sample on Detailed Lesson Plan in Science or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Because another byproduct of photosynthesis is oxygen which is vital to human existence. Very good bela. Another idea? It is very much important because if plants would no longer manufactured their own food, we human would no longer live, because we are dependent on plants when it comes to our food supply.. Very good bela. After discussing the process of photosynthesis try illustrate the process of food making.. Make a diagram showcasing the food making of plants. Diagram making IV-EVALUATION Lets have a quiz regarding the discussed topic.. Get one-fourth sheet of paper.. number your aper from one to five and right the correction answer. 1. the process of making food. (photosynthesis)