Friday, April 17, 2020

Pollution Context Essay Example

Pollution Context Paper The learner will take responsibility to help I Drawing of different types of elution where the learner will I preserve the environment and encourage others not to pollute. Taking place. Ask the identify and name the type of pollution learner to identify what waste or rubbish goes into which recycling I bins. Lesson outcomes: Learners should be able to identify what pollution I Context: Some learners come from rural areas where pollution is all list and what effect it has on our health and the environment. The I around them, encourage those learners to gather friends in their Learner must be able to identify the different types of pollution I area and have a clean-up day. The kids in the area will pick up all I for egg. Air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. I the rubbish and set an example to the adults, once the adults see Learners should be able to know how they can make a positive I this they will be encouraged not to litter. That is pollution? I I contribution to prevent pollution. I II-earning/subject content: It is harmful contaminants like gas or smoke from exhaust pipes of cars, trucks etc. That damages the ozone layer causing people to I become ill. I Explain to the learner what the different types of pollution is, water, land ND air pollution. I Atwater Pollution: I Water Pollution is the release of contaminants into water that is harmful to people, animals and the environment. People and animals I Inked fresh drinking water to be healthy. El_and pollution: Land Pollution is caused by the dumping of household, medical and industrial waste. We will write a custom essay sample on Pollution Context specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Pollution Context specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Pollution Context specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I I Air Pollution: I Air Pollution is the release of contaminants into the atmosphere that IS harmful to people, animals and the environment. I I How the learners can help to prevent pollution and make a positive contribution to our environment and the people around them: Learners will be encouraged to collect all products in their households that can be recycled like glass, plastic and paper. The school I Ill provide the necessary bins for glass, plastic and paper. Money can be made for the school. I Learning Activities: II am going to start my learning activities by asking the learners what forms of pollution they have noticed on their way school, like I Dirt in the street or trucks with heavy exhaust fumes. We will discuss what the type of pollution is called land, air or water I Pollution. Teach the learners a song about pollution. Vivid the learners into groups of fours, and the learners will have to choose one type of pollution, land, water or air Pollution. The learners will discuss ways in how they will help stop pollution. I Learners in their respective groups will make a wall poster of the type of pollution they have chosen to discuss in their group. One I learner in the group will be chosen to present and discuss what the poster is all about to the learners and teacher. I Tibias Principles: I Help learners discover the symptoms and real causes of environmental problems. Learners were asked what types of pollution they noticed lass hey were traveling to school that caused pollution and how it affected our environment. I Emphasis the complexity of environmental problems and thus the need to develop critical thinking and problem-solving. Learners were divided into groups, discussed the environmental problems due to pollution. And the learners brainstormed and discussed ways in how they Ill help stop pollution. I Values Learners should act as ambassadors for the environment, they should help preserve the environment by not polluting and teaching I family and friends the importance of not polluting. And they should continue recycling in their own homes. I Skills Learners learnt the skill of separating recycled waste. Awareness of different types of pollution and knowing how to prevent it. I I Teacher Activities: On the chalkboard write down the 3 types of pollution we will be discussing. Hand out a printed sheet of the pollution song to each learner, learners will sing the song. Present the learners with a true and false questionnaire that will form part of their assessment lass per activity sheet 1 included. Provide the learners with the necessary tools to make a elution poster. Provide the learners with a I pollution worksheet that they will take home to complete for homework. I I Resources: I Chalkboard, pollution song, dictionary, pollution pamphlets and brochures, pollution activity sheet 1 and activity sheet 2, cardboard, I Magazines, pencil crayons, kooks, glue, library books on pollution and recycling. Recycling bins for glass, plastic and paper. I Assessment: Summarize Assessment I will assess the learner by their True and False Activity sheet 1 (test sheet), to see if they I I understood what was taught to them. Formative Assessment I will ask them questions in the class about pollution to see if they listened Tit what was discussed during the lesson (questioning strategies). Communication of information and ideas I Rubric Assessment 1 150-59% Communicating information and ideas were with limited clarity 1 160-69% Communicating information and ideas were with some clarity 1 170-79% Communicating information and ideas were with considerable clarity 1 180-100% Communicating information and ideas were with extreme clarity and confidence. I I Home work: I I The learners will take home the pollution activity sheet 2, they will have to name on the sheet the different types of pollution taking Place and color in the pictures. Collect magazine pictures of pollution. Bring recycle waste to school to place in the bins. I I Teacher reflection: I II was successful in making the learner aware of the effects pollution has on our health and the environment. The learner could identify Lethe different types of pollution and how to help stop pollution. The learner could separate the different kinds of waste for recycling. I I The learner also learnt the importance of recycling and how it contributed to making extra money for the school.

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